Author: Steven Hill
Excerpt from “Startup Illusion”: Die Schattenseiten der Startup-Industrie
Gruenderszene, May 11, 2017
Nicht alles, was die Startup-Welt hervorbringt, ist automatisch gut, sagt der Journalist Steven Hill. In seinem neuen Buch knöpft er sich die Szene vor. Mit seinen Aussagen darüber, dass Startups den Sozialstaat ruinieren würden, entfachte der US-Journalist diese Woche auf der Republica eine lebhafte Debatte.
(Excerpt from Die Startup Illusion: Wie die Internet-Ökonomie unseren Sozialstaat ruiniert, published by Gruenderszene, one of the leading publications in Germany covering the startup economy)…
Review of Steven Hill’s “Startup Illusion” in Tagesspiegel (Berlin)
By Til Knipper, Tagesspiegel, May 10, 2017
Review of Steven Hill’s book Die Startup Illusion: Wie die Internet-Ökonomie unseren Sozialstaat ruiniert
Wired: How much Silicon Valley Spirit do we need in Germany?, May 9, 2017
An article reporting on Steven Hill’s appearance at Berlin’s re:publica 2017 conference, and discussing his new book Die Startup Illusion: Wie die Internet-Ökonomie unseren Sozialstaat ruiniert
By Benedikt Plass-Fleßenkämper
Wie könnte Deutschland so innovativ und flexibel wie das Silicon Valley werden, dabei aber eigene Stärken beibehalten?…
Lecture at re:publica: “Future of Work: How can Germany be a leader in the Digital Economy?”
Lecture by Steven Hill, re:publica-Berlin, May 9, 2017
re:publica – Festival for the Digital Society, Berlin , Steven Hill keynote speech, “Future of Work: How can Germany be a leader in the Digital Economy?”…
Deutschland Radio: “Start-ups are not job machines”
Deutschland Radio/Deutschlandfunk Kultur, May 9, 2017
Author Steven Hill is interviewed on Deutschland Radio/Deutschlandfunk Kultur by host Dieter Kassel about his new book Die Startup Illusion: Wie die Internet-Ökonomie unseren Sozialstaat ruiniert (link to audio and transcript; the interview is in German)
In seinem Buch “Die Start-up-Illusion” blickt der Journalist Steven Hill auf die Kehrseite der Internet-Ökonomie: So würden sie deutlich weniger Jobs schaffen als die traditionelle Wirtschaft – und oft nur prekäre.…
Troubled Mayoral Race in St. Louis Shows Need for Ranked Choice Voting
By Steven Hill, In These Times, April 5, 2017
Ranked choice voting offers a proven solution that empowers communities of color as well as candidates.
Ferguson. Michael Brown. Racial tensions at the University of Missouri. St. Louis being crowned as the fifth most segregated city in the United States.
If ever there were places in need of racial healing, they are the state of Missouri and the St.…
Happy Centennial, Jeannette Rankin — The First Woman Elected To Congress
By Steven Hill, Huffington Post, April 3, 2017
Most Americans don’t realize it, but yesterday, April 2 the US quietly celebrated the centennial of an event that is as auspicious as Martin Luther King’s birthday or July 4, Independence Day. On April 2, 1917, Jeannette Rankin from Montana was sworn in as the first woman ever elected to the U.S.…
Uber in Trouble Again: whistleblowers reveal more scandal
By Steven Hill, American Prospect, March 13, 2017
Everybody knows that for decades Big Tobacco profited from deception and clever marketing. The companies even conducted their own studies and concluded—surprise, surprise—that tobacco was a safe product with no link to cancer.
Now Uber has been caught in a similar ruse.…
WA Post: Interview about “Has Uber’s day of reckoning arrived?”
Washington Post, March 10, 2017
(Interview by Frederick Kunkle)
Steven Hill, who wrote about Uber in his book about the sharing economy, compared Uber’s alleged deception about its autonomous vehicles to the practices of Big Tobacco. Uber is betting big on developing an autonomous fleet of driverless taxis, but it has also been accused of deceptive claims about its self-driving program before.…
Die Zeit: “You’re fired!”
by Steven Hill, Die Zeit, February 16, 2017
(English version; for the original German version, click here)
Recently I was having a pleasant conversation in Berlin with a highly-regarded professor and former university president when the conversation turned unexpectedly disagreeable. We hit an impasse as we discussed the impact of new digital technologies on society and the economy, specifically the impact on jobs and the labor force.…
Uber: The Road Not Taken
By Steven Hill, American Prospect, January 30, 2017
Why Uber’s business model keeps bleeding money—and how it might yet right itself as a useful but less grandiose venture
Uber, the wildly popular ride-sharing company, now hopes to pioneer both self-driving and self-flying vehicles. But long before Uber gets to that futuristic strategy, the company’s core business model appears to be in serious trouble.…
Q&A with CityLab: What If You Could Take the Safety Net With You?
CityLab, December 14, 2016
Unlike most experts who pontificate about the gig economy, Steven Hill is actually part of it. The 58-year-old author, formerly a fellow at the New America Foundation, hasn’t worked at a permanent position for several years. In the opening of his 2015 book Raw Deal, he describes seeing more and more of his peers toiling under similar conditions.… -
CityLab interview: “What If You Could Take the Safety Net With You?”
Interview with Steven Hill, CityLab, December 14, 2016
by Jake Blumgart
A sharp critic of the gig economy says a “portable safety net” would help today’s untethered workers.
Unlike most experts who pontificate about the gig economy, Steven Hill is actually part of it. The 58-year-old author, formerly a fellow at the New America Foundation, hasn’t worked at a permanent position for several years.…
A new era: our elections now will be decided by hackers and leaked data
by Steven Hill, Guardian, November 16, 2016
WikiLeaks and a network of anonymous hackers have become a major influence – but are they enhancing our democracy or undermining it?
A new and disturbing factor emerged during this presidential election, and one that may change elections forever: democracies are now at the mercy of hacking and surveillance technology – and those who control it.…
EU Observer: The Wallonian mouse that roared
By Steven Hill, EU Observer, October 31, 2016
On Sunday the European Union and Canada finally signed the Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement, or Ceta, following an 11th hour resolution between Wallonia and the European Union.
The pressure on tiny Wallonia and its politicians was immense, as it was being blamed for scuppering a trade agreement that was seven years in the making, and turning the EU into a laughing stock before its Canadian partners and the world.…
‘Company Town’: A Film About How Tech Steamrolled San Francisco
By Steven Hill, Huffington Post, October 13, 2016
Many hipsters and “new tech” enthusiasts are enraptured by the so-called “sharing economy” and its leading companies, such as Airbnb, Uber and Lyft. If you really believe that these companies have anything to do with “sharing,” then you really need to see Company Town.…
Die Zeit: “Apple and Donald Trump: two sides of a very strange coin”
By Steven Hill, Die Zeit, October 5, 2016
(published in German, here is the link to the German version)
Many people from across the political spectrum are shaking their heads over the recent Apple tax scandal. But it is only the latest example of the corporate malfeasance and misconduct that have flourished as politicians and regulators on both sides of the Atlantic either failed to do their jobs or actively contributed to a tainted corporate culture.…
CNBC’s Squawk Box: Red flag on gig economy gyp (video)
Interview by Andrew Ross Sorkin, CNBC, October 4, 2016
Author Steven Hill is interviewed by host Andrew Ross Sorkin on CNBC’s Squawk Box. Here’s the link to the broadcast.…
Q&A with Wash Post: “Is Uber the next big thing that goes kaput? This guy thinks so”
Washington Post, September 26
Interview by Fredrick Kunkle
Steven Hill thinks Uber has shaken up the taxi industry — or Big Taxi, as Hill calls it – in a way that’s been beneficial to many consumers.
And that’s about the nicest thing Hill has to say about the San Francisco-based ride-sharing company.…
Friedrich Ebert Foundation policy paper: “The California Challenge: How (not) to regulate disruptive business models”
By Steven Hill, Friedrich Ebert Foundation, September 15, 2016
Policy paper written by Steven Hill for the Friedrich Ebert Foundation in Germany
Executive Summary
* The latest trend from Silicon Valley is known as the »sharing economy,« sometimes referred to as the »gig economy,« »on-demand,« »peer-to-peer« or »collaborative consumption« economy.…
Stern (Germany) Interview on Airbnb: “The idea behind it is good, but…”
Interview by Steffen Gassel, Stern, September 1, 2016
This interview with author Steven Hill is published in German, “Die idee dahinter ist gut, aber…” (PDF version). The interview appeared in Stern, the second most popular publication in Germany (750,000 circulation)…
Can Workers Get a Fair Deal in the Gig Economy?
By Steven Hill, Yes! Magazine, August 23, 2016
The whole sector won’t enjoy broader success until its companies learn how to combine flexible work with better treatment
More and more businesses are exploiting what is known as the “1099 worker loophole”—hiring workers as “independent contractors” instead of as regularly employed workers.…
LA Times: We should expand Social Security. Here’s how.
By Steven Hill, Los Angeles Times, July 11, 2016
The U.S. has entered an anxious era in which fewer workers have a single employer or a regular workplace. Instead they have various employers and multiple part-time jobs and “gigs,” with these businesses not required to provide healthcare, make Social Security contributions or even offer compensation for workplace injuries.…
NY Daily News: How Monica Lewinsky saved Social Security
by Steven Hill, New York Daily News, July 11, 2106
The ever-popular Social Security has had a number of saviors and destroyers over the years, but none of them more infamous than Monica Lewinsky. Eighteen years ago this month, special prosecutor Kenneth Starr was turning the screws on President Bill Clinton, with testimony from Lewinsky and others about salacious things like cigar tubes and sex stains on a blue dress.…
Memo to Hillary Clinton: How to DOUBLE Social Security
by Steven Hill,, July 8, 2016
Here’s a plan to secure retirement for all Americans — without spending any more government money.
Recently President Barack Obama announced his support for expanding Social Security for our nation’s retirees. That is welcome news because Obama and other Democrats like Hillary and Bill Clinton have not always been the best friends of Social Security. …