
Steven Hill is a journalist, lecturer and political professional based in San Francisco (USA) with over two decades of experience in policy and politics. Most recently he was policy director for the Center for Humane Technology. He also was previously co-founder and assistant director at FairVote, political reform director and senior fellow with New America, journalist-in-residence at the Berlin Social Science Center (WZB), and Holtzbrinck fellow at the American Academy in Berlin. Mr. Hill is a frequent speaker at academic, government, NGO and business events, speaking on a wide range of topics related to politics, economics, global complexity, political reform, the digital economy, future of work, artificial intelligence, startup platforms, transatlantic relations and future trends.

He is the author of seven books, including Raw Deal: How the “Uber Economy” and Runaway Capitalism Are Screwing American Workers (, which was an international bestseller and selected by The Globalist as one of its Top Ten Books. His other books include Die Startup Illusion: Wie die Internet-Ökonomie unseren Sozialstaat ruiniert(“The Startup Illusion: How the Internet Economy is Ruining Social Welfare,” published in German); the internationally-praised Europe’s Promise: Why the European Way is the Best Hope in an Insecure Age (; Expand Social Security Now: How to Ensure Americans Get the Retirement They Deserve (; 10 Steps to Repair American Democracy (; Fixing Elections: The Failure of America’s Winner Take All Politics (, and Reflecting All of Us/Whose Vote Counts (co-authored with Rob Richie).

Mr. Hill is a prolific writer and commentator who has been widely published and interviewed in media around the world. His articles and opeds have appeared in the New York Times, Washington Post, Wall Street Journal, The Atlantic, Financial Times, Guardian, CNN, Die Zeit, Handelsblatt, Tagesspiegel, Süddeutsche Zeitung, Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, Le Monde, EU Observer, Project Syndicate, Mother Jones, Fast Company, Los Angeles Times, New York Daily News, Christian Science Monitor, The Nation, Washington Monthly, Salon, Slate, Politico, Business Insider, Forbes, Observer, Huffington Post, American Prospect, Medium, Truthdig, Truthout, Alternet, Al Jazeera, Internationale Politik/IP Journal (Germany), Social Europe, Prospect (UK), ESharp (Brussels), Le Monde Diplomatique, China-US Focus, The Globalist, Hürriyet Daily News (Turkey), Prague Post, Courrier Japon, Taiwan News, Korea Herald, Toronto Star, Montreal Review, India Times, Burma Digest, Egypt Daily News, Roll Call, The Hill, Sierra, Ms., Truthout, San Francisco Chronicle, Miami Herald, Philadelphia Inquirer, Chicago Tribune, Houston Chronicle, and many other leading publications.

Mr Hill has been featured in interviews by many leading media outlets, including CNN, New York Times, Wall Street Journal, CNBC’s Squawk Box, C-SPAN, British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC), Le Monde, Guardian, ARD-Tagesschau (Germany), Bloomberg Business, Democracy Now/Pacifica, Huffington Post Live, Fox Business News, National Public Radio, NPR-Berlin, Brian Lehrer show (WNYC), Kojo Nnamdi Show (WAMU), Michael Krasny’s Forum (KQED), Stern  (Germany), Austrian Broadcasting Corporation (ORF), Netwerk (Netherlands), Dubai-TV, Sirius, Politico and leading daily newspapers La Croix (France), Vima (Greece), Gazeta Wyborcza (Poland), Lidové Noviny (Czech Republic), Der Standard (Austria), Today’s Zaman (Turkey), San Francisco Chronicle, Los Angeles Times, Capitol Weekly (Sacramento) and others.

Mr. Hill has lectured widely in the United States and Europe, including to business, government, policy institutes, labor unions, universities and NGOs, including the European Commission, UK House of Commons, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Greek government, U.S. Embassy, Brno, Czech Republic, European Ideas Network, European People’s Party, Group of the Progressive Alliance of Socialists & Democrats in the European Parliament, Berlin Social Science Center, American Academy in Berlin, Hannover Messe Trade Fair, re:publica conference, Das Progressive Zentrum, Friedrich Ebert Stiftung, Stiftung Neue Verantwortung, Hasso-Plattner-Institut, Ver.di, Hans Böckler Stiftung, Telefónica Basecamp, Future Internet Kongress (Frankfurt), Bertelsmann Foundation, Bucerius Lab/ZEIT-Stiftung (Hamburg), Stiftung Neue Verantwortung, Literaturhaus Stuttgart, US Embassy-Berlin, Ver.di, Heidelberg Center for American Studies (Germany), German-American Institute (DAI-Heidelberg), Danish Confederation of Professional Associations, Ritter Institut (Vienna, Austria), Foundazione FareFuturo (Rome), Institute for Regional Dialogue and Strategy (IPEDIS, in Athens), Goethe-Institut (Prague), Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars, School of Advanced International Studies (SAIS), German Marshall Fund,  Brookings Institution, New America Foundation, Rockefeller Foundation, Economic Policy Institute, CUNY Graduate Center, Platform Cooperativism conference-New School, Harvard University, Princeton University, Georgetown University,  Stanford University, Columbia University, Humboldt University (Berlin), Freie Universität (Berlin), South Westphalia University of Applied Sciences (Germany), World Affairs Council, Commonwealth Club, Cambridge Forum, Town Hall (Seattle), Los Angeles Times Festival of Books, Economic Opportunity Institute (Seattle), Demos, Bioneers Conference, Politics and Prose, Bay Area Council (business group), German American Chambers of Commerce, San Francisco Chamber of Commerce, Los Angeles Chamber of Commerce, SPUR, Mechanics Institute, Silicon Valley Joint Venture and others. In 2010 he delivered the Jacquemin Seminar lecture at the European Commission.

Mr. Hill is a graduate of Yale University and Western Washington University/Fairhaven College, and lives in San Francisco, CA. Mr. Hill also paints, writes plays, fiction and poetry, and composes and plays music. His short plays have been produced in New York City and San Francisco.

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